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SBA 504 Loan
To Buy, Construct or Improve Commercial and Industrial Buildings.

Downtown Lake County

USDA Community Facility Technical Assistance and Training Grant

AEDC has been selected to receive $75,000 from the USDA Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training program to find and prepare community facilities projects for funding in Lake County.AEDC was the only applicant in California to receive the funding for this national program, which is new to USDA. Fourteen recipients were selected from 70 applicants throughout the country.

AEDC will work with Community Development Services in Lake County and Greenway Partners in Humboldt County to create a rubric to assess the potential for community facility and infrastructure projects, using the County's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and other recommendations by the community. AEDC and Lake County partners will host meetings to assess the programs that are most viable. The program partners, at that time, will determine what areas of technical assistance will be needed and which partners can provide the support to the planning entity. 


This project was conducted in cooperation with USDA Rural Development.

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